Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ospek Masbro!

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Setelah sekian lama akhirnya kuliah juga, sedikit nyesel karena mesti nunda 1 tahun waktu pendidikan gw. Tapi karena satu dan lain hal gw emang mesti nunda itu. Gap waktu pendidikan ini kga merusak semangat belajar gw dan semoga tetap begini untuk empat tahun ke depan sehingga impian gw untuk dapetin cucumlode gak cuma khayalan doang. Intinya sih bukan buat gaya - gayaan tapi gw bangga klo bisa selesaiin sesuatu dengan baik, semacam master piece gitu lah *cihui.

Gw bingung sama event itu nanti, bukan galau sih -- yah udah jadi habbit gw buat mikirin suatu hal yang akan gw kerjain (terutama hal baru) walaupun terkadang itu memang hal sepele. Bisa dibilang terlalu bad thinking atau secara positif disebut persiapan. Harapan gw gak akan ada gemblengan ala ala STPDN *klo gak salah namanya itu* nanti dan gw juga berharap event itu gak akan berlangsung seharian, ketahuilah satu hal untuk mengikuti ospek itu kepala gw harus dibotakin dengan maksimal panjang 2cm! Biasa aja sih haha, gaya rambut botak bukan hal yang terlalu baru bagi gw huehue. Tapi beberapa hari ini cuacanya sedang indah sekali, matahari bersinar sangat terang dan suhu udara meningkat panas. Sangat tidak bersahabat bagi mereka yang botak.

Ada yang mengatakan ospek itu tidak harus diikuti ataupun jika datang tidak usalah terlalu mengikuti aturan yang ada. Ehm bagaimana yah pendapat gw. . . Mungkin terdengar keren ketika lo menceritakan itu ke orang lain, "Ah gw ospek bikin kasus mulu", "Gw pas ospek ribut sama senior" atau "Ospek? apa tuh? gak pernah ikutan". Bagi gw itu gak penting, apa masalahnya dengan mengikuti aturan? Breaking the rule itu bukan mengenai pelanggaran, tapi bagaimana lo tetap berada di dalam zona namun berkembang sehebat mungkin -- apabila aturan yang berlaku itu bersifat positif, di luar itu menurut gw fine aja.

Besok lusa ospeknya udah dimulai, pada jam 7 pagi. Gedung tempat ospeknya adalah Hallroom-nya Gunadarma dan katanya mahasiswa gak boleh parkir di situ jadi sulit sepertinya klo mau membawa kendaraan pribadi karena di dekat situ gak ada tempat parkir yang aman kecuali gedung lain kampus dan gw gak tau apakah angkot daerah itu sudah dinas di bawah jam 7 pagi. Mau gak mau minta anterin Bokap, jadi inget ospek a.k.a MOS waktu SMP ^_^. Ospek nanti gw akan barengan sama temen smk gw waktu sekolah di Wikrama, Yudhis sama Cenge. Sukses lah buat kita bertiga huehue (y)

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Election of DKI Jakarta Governor

These days we're about celebrating a democracy party, an election of DKI Jakarta Governor. There are two candidates who are leading, Fauzy Bowo a.k.a Foke & Joko Widodo a.k.a Jokowi. Both of them is an ex-governor, Foke from Jakarta and one from Surakarta (Solo). I think they're experienced enough about being governor. I don't want to underestimate the another candidates, but they have been defeated from the first round. And so i'll only talk about those two man, Foke and Jokowi.

Being a governor isn't an easy job, especially Jakarta, The Capital City of Indonesia. So we have to choose the most capable man for this job. Foke has been experienced to handle this job, this is his ex-job and he is such a clever man. Foke is an engineer who is graduated twice from Germany, his bachelor and master are taken there. I can promise you that every university in Europe is competent. We can compare them with our best universities here and even Europe universities are better.

Fauzy Bowo
But what i'm really concern about is Foke studied architecture about urban and regional planning and i don't see any result from a man who was graduated from that course in his era. To me, Foke has failed to control Jakarta traffic, i don't blame him because we know it has been our problem from long time ago. This is like a "legacy" from ex-governor to new governor of Jakarta, generation to generation. Furthermore his new plan to make "Jalan Layang" in the inner city of Jakarta is nonsense, every day we have car and motorcycle sold in Jakarta. Soon when the project is done, we just got more traffic jam in the new view.

Maybe it's right or wrong. Maybe he can build a great "city" but can't lead the people. He should rule the people, get close to them and so we have a great city and well organized people inside -- so the traffic jam is only a history. But we can't just see it from his bad, he built BKT in his government, it is his achievement. He helped us avoiding five years flood. He succeeded to make e-KTP even though it's done recently.

BTW Foke has made a blunder few weeks ago, one of his supporter -- a legendary dangdut star, Rhoma Irama said a hate speech about Christian and Chinese. Of course Rhoma meant to "attack" Jokowi's vice, Ahok. He said it undirectly but he threatened another religion and race directly. Again, Foke was failed. He was failed to make an alliance, this is Jakarta where is race, religion, tribe, inter-group are living together. And so are we going to choose him? Or Jokowi?

Joko Widodo
Jokowi, his background isn't too much brilliant. He was a wood entrepreneur, he sold wood to world -- great businessman. And then he was choosen to be a Governor of Surakarta (Solo). In his government he made a great government. Solo people love him, even get crazy about him. There was some moments when his people got unhealthy but when they met Jokowi they was better. Not just that, even a possessed people! Beside he is such a humble man, everyone admit that and also he supported the Esemka Car so the project can be done, the car which is built by our people, it's cheaper, better and "made in Indonesia" and i think it can lead us to world economy mainstream again if only our president really concern to develop it. A momentum that Jokowi did in Solo was so great, he fulfill Foke's lack. He didn't only build the city nor lead the people only, he did both.

Once again he was choosen, i'm not talking about Jakarta people. But Jokowi has been trusted by Jusuf Kalla (Indonesia ex-Vice President) to lead Jakarta. JK is the mastermind of Jokowi being a Governor, he who reassured Jokowi to be a Governor. I believe JK takes a big part of Jokowi campaign, because Jokowi admit that he doesn't have enough money to do a Jakarta Governor Campaign and also JK who ensured a big party, PDIP to support Jokowi. JK asked the leader of PDIP (Megawati) directly.

Furthermore, he is one of the 25 world best city mayors. And when i saw his presentation about vision and mission of Jakarta Governor Candidates, i think he is the only man who talk about real things. When the others only show words, he showed his programme which is ready to run right after he got the governor seat. But will Jokowi be capable to handle Jakarta like he has done in Solo? We have a big region, big problem, big responsibility and it's quite different with Solo. So the decision is in your hand.